#PERIOD AFTER Jasmina Tesanovic - 29/03/1999- Belgrade

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Trudicemo se da sve tekstove predstavimo na svim jezicima. Obzirom da su nam izvori, budzet i broj ljudi veoma ograniceni znamo da necemo biti u mogucnosti da ovaj cilj u potpunosti postignemo. Ukoliko zelite da nam pomognete oko prevoda molimo vas da nas kontaktirate na.

March 29, 1999
It is gloomy, it is raining, the alarm is on all the time. I´ve just heard that martial law with execution as punishment has been established. I still cannot believe we are living in war, we are living in a nobody´s war but no less true and cruel and in tradition with what war is all about, false heroism and false excitement. Today I haven´t been out. I heard some friends of mine haven´t been out at all, all these days. As I said, the act of going out has become an act of courage. In few hours my life has changed completely, everybody´s has, but still I think we are becoming at this point different people, in different situations, in different alliances. I gather my strength to be strong and bear the change. Children are changing, surrounded by fear, anxiety and four walls: we have to be creative even in these circumstances, like in Benigni´s film "La vita é bella". As usual art comes as an advise, as a cure, and only after you get sick, never as a prevention.
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