#PERIOD AFTER Jasmina Tesanovic - 09/04/1999- Belgrade

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Trudicemo se da sve tekstove predstavimo na svim jezicima. Obzirom da su nam izvori, budzet i broj ljudi veoma ograniceni znamo da necemo biti u mogucnosti da ovaj cilj u potpunosti postignemo. Ukoliko zelite da nam pomognete oko prevoda molimo vas da nas kontaktirate na.

April 9th, 1999
I remember, shortly before the war, this date was the considered a good timing to make your baby if you want to have it born the first day of January 2000. I remember how silly and ridiculous it was, I remember how suggestive it was too. Now, when the day has come nobody in this part of the world has these plans anymore: amidst the small talk over what will happen if ground troops enter Yugoslavia women are hoping they are not pregnant, or wondering what to do with their children if they have to take up the guns. Already two of my girlfriends, pacifists, feminists, said that if it comes to an all against all ground war they will take up guns instead of staying back home and waiting to be killed, raped, or sent in exile. I thought of having a child, but then I remembered another woman who had just her baby before the air raids started. She is in the cellar all the time taking tranquilizers and her baby is sick: she didn't improve or stop the political situation by having a baby at the wrong time in the wrong place, on the contrary, she made it visible, the wrong place and wrong time and wrong deeds. Military logic is entering our everyday language, I never liked computer games or even field competitive sport: when competition enters my mind I feel paralyzed, I feel different form other people not worse or better. We speak about adapting to war conditions, finding new work, new ways of relaxing, socializing. My friend, a university professor, says she will clean houses for old people, my other friend is working with Gypsy children. I think of putting up a school for our loose children who are suddenly without any daily duties or working habits, being until two weeks ago urban school children fighting with institutions for their own identities, not prepared for war catastrophes or survival situations. But the main point today is that, ground troops or not, we don't care about our personal lives anymore: most of us don't go to shelter, don't think of leaving the country... We are just being here, who cares for how long, we have no decent way out, we are hostages of our own life without power.
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