#PERIOD AFTER Jasmina Tesanovic - 10/04/1999- Belgrade

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April 10th, 1999
Today I decided to clean the house. The hairdresser next door opened and is working his usual hours, notwithstanding the alarm which went off today even during daylight. The pilots were probably «frustrated» last night for not dropping their bombs. The NATO briefing will be tense, military commentators will speculate on the new world order, but we had a peaceful night: no boom booms, only local aircraft which has a more humane sound, as planes used to have.

Tomorrow is Orthodox Easter: my daughter painted the eggs. We are not religious, we never were. She said, I am bored; I thought better let her do constructive things than sulk alone in her room waiting for the alarm. She is a child of the war, who knows, maybe she is God's child too. She said yesterday, I have a feeling I will be killed when I am sixteen, so why bother to go to school anymore. I froze and just said: you will go to school anyway.

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