#PERIOD AFTER Jasmina Tesanovic - 13/04/1999- Belgrade

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April 13th, 1999
The old man next door who said good night died: good night ladies, good night my sweet ladies.
Today I watched TV: the woman with a scarred face from the train hit by NATO bomb answered the question: what do you think of this NATO aggression. «I just went to visit my relatives for Easter». I refuse to give interviews and opinions on what is going on. I am just like the woman with the scarred face, a political idiot, where idiot stands for what it meant in ancient Greece: a person who to whom information in denied: at that time most of men and all of women. Today, all of us, all over the world.
Humanitarian aid is a big business. There will be a lot of opportunity to do business for the next 20 years at this scene of the crime. I hope I won't be here to witness anybody's sense of guilt. My young friend from Pancevo writes to me, they are hit nearly every night because of the factories: we are still alive, the same as I write to my friends abroad... He goes on; I am lobbying against military logic all over the world. Think positively. Obviously I am not thinking positively, but somebody must think negatively, too. Usually women do it.

I saw the buses of relatives and doctors leave from the center of Belgrade to the place where the train was hit on the bridge: nobody was crying or being emotional. I looked at myself passing a window; I have changed, too. I don't cry anymore, I sleep during the raids, I work during the day, I laugh. When you get used to it, there are fewer chances to end it, you simply forget how and why...

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