#PERIOD AFTER Jasmina Tesanovic - 17/04/1999- Belgrade

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April 17th,99
An American journalist quoted a humanitarian Australian worker in Kosovo who said: Thanks NATO for bombing us, for destroying our blankets and medicines. NATO officer replied at the press conference: sorry but our maps are old.
A woman at the market who is selling me homemade cheese who comes from a village says: they are bombing us every day, getting the hell out of us, everything is destroyed. Can't somebody tell them that it's been two years now that the army has moved out of our village. I guess it is old maps again.
Last night Belgrade was spared from bombs: but the weather is terrible today, it's raining, gusts of wind are hitting the windows, glass is trembling and parts of the facade of the old buildings are coming off and falling with thunder: people don't want to go out because of the weather, but they go out to see the bombs falling. I don't know why. A young soldier who survived 4 years of war in Krajina told me: never go out to watch the bombs fall, it is not good for your nerves and you have still a long way to go. I follow his advise. I go out in the rain but never during the bombings.
People are depressed, really and truly: more and more stories I hear about people not wanting to get out of their beds: no place to run, no place to hide. They watch cartoons on TV all day long: no news can reach them or do something good for their lives. Our lives resemble refugee camp stories I collected some years ago. I am very active, too active: the other side to the depression; I work and function without pleasure at all, as a robot, anxious that all jobs must be done: petty jobs or big jobs, all the same.
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