#PERIOD AFTER Jasmina Tesanovic - 19/04/1999- Belgrade

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Trudicemo se da sve tekstove predstavimo na svim jezicima. Obzirom da su nam izvori, budzet i broj ljudi veoma ograniceni znamo da necemo biti u mogucnosti da ovaj cilj u potpunosti postignemo. Ukoliko zelite da nam pomognete oko prevoda molimo vas da nas kontaktirate na.

April 19th, 99
My friends last night were talking about our future: in very very pessimistic tones. They are all educated people, with no savings, impoverished in the last ten years of economic overturns, with more or less strong patriotic feelings, from the opposition, but definitely people who for some reason or other do not want to go in exile.
The feeling that is getting stronger among common people here after the beginning of this recent war is that nobody really wants us anymore anywhere, maybe not even here. It is a very strange feeling for young or middle aged people, quite common in old people, but not for those who are still strong physically. It is more than a depression, it is common sense which resembles depression. Texts of famous writers from all over the world speak also about us Serbian people , unable to emancipate, wake up, as accomplices of atrocities, all of Serbs... I won 't quote those names, some of them were even my fiends if not people I admired. I forgive them all, but I refuse to read them or consider they even exist, as I did some years ago with our local writers who took the aggressive course of nationalism: for me they exist no more...they lost their people, so for whom they are writing now?
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