#PERIOD AFTER Jasmina Tesanovic - 23/04/1999- Belgrade

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April 23, 1999
I guess you all know, the TV building was hit last night: my window burst open from the blast, I live quite near whilst my parents are just behind. A very good friend of mine is the building next to TV. We are all OK, except for the sacrificed TV workers, common craftsman who had no ideas about what the program should look like. I am OK except for the people this morning in the market clearly distressed by lack of understanding. Just yesterday I thought, now everybody is fighting for our souls, of us Serbs led astray, all these TVs, local and international: we even receive American leaflets from the planes telling us about us... Not even the Colorado teenaged killers could draw attention from our educational program. My father said: the impact wasn't that bad, worst part was seeing the decapitated bodies taken from the TV building. The Serbian TV is broadcasting again, better than yesterday: some of foreign journalists who arrived yesterday to report are afraid for their lives. I am afraid for my soul, and yes for my children who walk through center Belgrade, next to ex TV building: they say some unexploded bombs are still hidden around.

I was in the Greek embassy today: the embassy is open the consulate is closed. And they are the last embassy giving humanitarian visas with very strict rules. They were nice, tender. It was our people who made me cry. An old lady was repeating, I have to take a cab and go and check if I switched off the lights, I may provoke a fire (rules under bombs). But the alarm is not on I said. Never mind she said, it may provoke a fire. Young, old, middle aged women of different social backgrounds were smiling all the time to the Greek staff, in order to get a visa, they were pleading, arguing, crying... My God, I don't need that kind of life. I don't need a visa, I asked for my passport back without a visa: they couldn't find it. So there it is, for trying to be privileged I became person without identity: I feel free. They will find my passport on Monday, they said, but I won't go anywhere, not splitting with family, friends, not as privileged but humiliated, even if only for two days. If we have to go, we will leave all together, as Albanians did. Dignity and love is the only thing we have yet to loose.

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