#PERIOD AFTER Jasmina Tesanovic - 14/05/1999- Belgrade

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Trudicemo se da sve tekstove predstavimo na svim jezicima. Obzirom da su nam izvori, budzet i broj ljudi veoma ograniceni znamo da necemo biti u mogucnosti da ovaj cilj u potpunosti postignemo. Ukoliko zelite da nam pomognete oko prevoda molimo vas da nas kontaktirate na.

May 14th, 99
In order to get a visa you have to have a new passport and you cannot get a passport because the system is down in the police station. Actually you cannot get a visa also because the system is down in the Italian embassy but you can go to Budapest, and maybe, if you cross the border, because the system can be down there too, and you have a lot of money for the bribes, for the hotels, for the food, and days and days of waiting, you can get a visa into a new passport. And feel lucky...Catch 22 and bad luck today...Driving in a cab, impossible to find without people inside who will share it with you, I heard the news: again refugees killed, local news says hundreds... Other news, military barracks hit where sons of my friends are on regular military service: the ones I dream of every night as being killed... I say, stop the car, I don't know why. The cab driver stops, but the man next to him screams, you cannot do this to me, I am in a hurry...I shake the door knob open, the driver shouts, not that way...And I step onto a busy street whilst a big red car nearly kills me...Actually he did blow his trumpet very loud, but he didn't speed down: and I didn't see him until he nearly killed me. As a driver as a pedestrian I noticed it isn't safe anymore with other drivers... They just don't speed down, they are in war with all the world doing their share of killing... I don't know why I stepped out of the cab in run... I couldn't listen to the news anymore...My head is spinning now and I say to myself to comfort me: you had your share of risk for this week. Whilst on the street the alarm set of, I started cursing out loud, I didn't notice military uniforms all around me, protecting their hit building in the downtown Belgrade...One of them said, madam don't say fuck, it is the Stop alarm siren. And I noticed that the others stopped running too, we don't even distinguish the sirens anymore out of panic, we just run...
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