#PERIOD AFTER ??? - ??? ???

Razgovor sa Prof. Vojinom Dimitrijevicem

Period after I period posle & moguca saradnja Beogradskog centra za ljudska prava i Period After web projekta

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Razgovarali smo sa prof. Dimitrijevicem u pauzi tribine na temu Druga Jugoslavija, u organizaciji Diplomatske Akademije u Becu

We would like to hear your opinion about the idea to start web site aimed to talk about Period after and possible cooperation with your Institute, as we heard that there is something similar happening in your Institute?

No, it is not similar, like web site, but we would like to have a link on your site. As you know we didn't close our office, we continued our work in Belgrade, and as we completed our research about the state of human right in Yugoslavia in 1998, we are now in process of distributing it. It will be very interesting for your users to see our results, as it is not usual report it is more like an investigating public opinion on what people know about laws, and status of laws in our country.

And what do we know about laws?

Some answers are astonishing. A question like what will happen if opposition wins elections now for example… only 20% gave the right answer that opposition should take power by our law, others thought that in that case the elections should be repeated, some gave answer that it should be first approved by Supreme Court, and some 5% gave the answer that President himself is the one to approve this. Furthermore we got the answers that one can be convicted without proofs, then 60% of examined had no trust in our laws, a very big percent trust more to people with connections, or corruption than law. It was the first time that we done something really empiric on this subject. So, we would like to publish it on your site. I think it is very important, and I appreciate the title like Period After, as it is very important to deal with period after. It is a big challenge in front, because even if big political change would be made soon, we are going to face a long very hard period after, during which we will have to fight against our mentality, rudiments of habits from some previous periods real socialism. That is still on in our country etc…we will have to fight long-lasting battle that people understand that they have certain rights, which they have to protect and which is even more important, that if you don't protect rights of others very soon you can be the next. That's why logo (sign) of our organisation is little cat: like in saying "it will come (as bad news) to your doorstep".

Thank you for this conversation, and we hope to have your report linked to our web site

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