#PERIOD AFTER unknown author - 05/1999 - Belgrade

Uputstvo za rad novinskih agencija i medijskih kuca u slucaju neposredne ratne opasnosti


Analysis of the Instructions of the Serbian Ministry of Information for the Work of the Media in the State of Immediate Danger of War

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  1. Dezurstva u trajanju od 24 casa i stalna veya sa drzavnim organima;
  2. Spisak dezurnih osoba po danima iz svih medijskih kuca dostaviti ministarstvu
  3. tacni brojevi telefona telefaksa dezurnih u redakcijama
  4. Kurirska sluzba izmedju redakcija i ministarstva u slucaju prekida telefonskih veza
  5. Stroga zabrana izvestavanja o gubicima u ljudstvu i tehnici VJ ili MUP-a (vrsta cenzure)
  6. Svaki novinar na terenu ili redakciji mora se staviti u sluzbu trenutnih interesa drzave i ucesca u sistemu obavestavanja i javljanja.
  7. Permanentno pracenje izvestavanja stranih medija, posebno onih radio stanica koje se dobro primaju na teritoriji SRJ
  8. Akcije policije i vojske obavezno nazivati odbrambenim aktivnostima ili borbom za ocuvanje i odbranu zemlje
  9. Za nanesene gubitke neprijatelju koristiti termine: neutralisan, onesposobljen, paralisan, likvidiran i sl.
  10. Ni jedna informacija koja bi pospesila sirenje defetizma i panike ne sme da promakne glavnim i odgovornim urednicima
  11. U komentarima se stalno treba pozivati na krsenje Povelje UN, narusavanje ljudskih prava, samovoljno donosenje odluka jednog Saveza, da to nije odluka svih nacija i sl.
  12. Zastita poverljive gradje i arhiviranje materijala, izvestaja koji bi se u kasnijem periodu koristili u analizama ili za dokazivanje ratnih zlocina ili zlocina protiv covecnosti
  13. Tzv. OVK obavezno nazivati: bandom, teroristima i zlocincima
  14. Snage NATO saveza nazivati: agresorom
  15. Isticati da su pripadnici vojske i MUP borci za slobodu zemlje

Trudicemo se da sve tekstove predstavimo na svim jezicima. Obzirom da su nam izvori, budzet i broj ljudi veoma ograniceni znamo da necemo biti u mogucnosti da ovaj cilj u potpunosti postignemo. Ukoliko zelite da nam pomognete oko prevoda molimo vas da nas kontaktirate na.

By means of the instructions issued by the Serbian Ministry of Information on May 24, 1999, when NATO launched its attack on FR Yugoslavia, substantial limitations for the work of reporters and journalists were imposed. On this occasion we should mention that these limitations were introduced on the basis of constitutional provision according to which the freedom of expression may be restricted in a state of war and a state of immediate danger of war. Yet, the method used to restrict the aforementioned rights - namely, issuing internal instructions and subsequent internal briefings on a daily basis in which the editors-in-chief of the major media are obliged to take part - fails to comply with the constitutional provisions, according to which a decree should be put into force which would specifically authorise the Serbian Ministry of Information to censor the media, and afterwards the Ministry should declare its own legal document determining the ways to control the media.

A part of these instructions refers to the obligation of the media concerning the maintenance of non-stop contact with the state organs which is why 24-hour service in the media has been introduced. Such instructions are understandable given the state of war we are in, and the failure to comply with them, although there is no explicitly prescribed punitive measure contained within the instructions, entails closing down of the media in question, as in the case of ANEM radio stations which, according to the Serbian Ministry of Information, failed to comply with the instructions.

The part of the instructions which introduces censorship refers to the strictest ban on reporting of the losses of the army and the police as well as some instructions regarding the vocabulary to be used in reports (the army and the police must be referred to as defenders and freedom fighters, NATO as aggressor, KLA as a gang and terrorists, etc.). Also, the responsibility of the editor-in-chief is particularly stressed concerning the information which could have an impact on tspreading defeatism and panicT. The Ministry reaches decision on this issue since although there is no mention of any kind of punitive measure for publishing such information, the fact that Slavko Curuvija, the editor-in-chief of an influential daily newspaper and a magazine, was murdered and that Veran Matic, the editor-in-chief of Radio B92, and Stevan Niksic, the editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine NIN (an issue of NIN was banned), were arrested after the conflict had begun, proves the readiness of the authorities to apply the most brutal forms of repression against the journalists if they do not comply with the instructions as well as with the everyday instructions of the authorities regarding the reporting.

The article 6 of the Serbian Ministry of Information's instructions is particularly important. This article imposes an obligation upon every journalist to serve the "current interests of the country" and to take part in informing and notifying as part of military activities. This provision contained within the instructions issued by the Ministry also clearly demonstrates that a journalist cannot pursue his/her line of work as he/she would like to, because if the authorities estimate that his/her activities go against the "current interests of the country", which is up to the Ministry to decide, i.e. the authorities, his/her life may be in danger or perhaps he/she may be prosecuted on criminal charges or being exposed to other forms of police repression.

Finally, there is an article within the instructions according to which the Serbian media were ordered to follow closely non-stop the reports of the foreign media, especially of those radio stations whose signal could be received via short and medium waves in Yugoslavia. At issue here is basically the monitoring of the foreign programmes broadcast in Serbian language like VOA, and Radio Free Europe, Deutsche Welle and France International. Although, this was not explicitly stated, it is obvious that these media are being considered the major propagandistic media outlets of the enemy, so, since the citizens cannot be prevented from listening to these programmes nor the signal of these foreign media jammed, it is necessary to monitor their reporting in order to undertake "propagandistic countermeasures".

In a conclusion to this short analysis we may emphasise the fact that the instructions issued by the Ministry of Information are extremely vague, i.e. extremely general in its nature. Furthermore, these instructions do not provide a clear picture for the editors in domestic media outlets which would explicitly indicate which information they are allowed to publish and which information they must not publish at all. In practice, daily briefings with the editors-in-chief of the media outlets in the Ministry of Information, during which the way the media report on recent developments in country and abroad is being discussed and decisions taken to determine future course of action with respect to the information coming from the field, serve to bridge this gap created by this lack of accurate guidelines.

Regarding the possibility of unobstructed and free activities of the journalists under the current circumstances, we should stress the fact that such activities not only literally but in legal sense as well are so hazardous that they may cost a journalist or an editor his/her life. Above all, disruption of communication lines due to the NATO bombardment, recent disruption of electric power system in Yugoslavia render the media-related-work by means of electrical equipment virtually impossible resulting in impeding journalistic activities and dissemination of news and information either in the country or abroad. Given the fact that the foreign programmes are being monitored, it is not even advisable to send reports by phone to these foreign media since the journalist providing the information is situated in Serbia i.e. within the reach of the repression of the local authorities. The higher so-called legal risk is consequence of the Decree on Criminal Procedure during the State of War and the Decree on Application of the Law on Internal Affairs during the State of War. In short, these two decrees have expanded the authority of the police and public prosecutors to such an extent that there is no guarantee whatsoever of the legality of the procedure. Privacy of any communication among the citizens, privacy of their apartments, individuals is virtually suspended by these decrees. A policeman on duty is authorised to arrest and keep in custody an individual even if he/she is slightly suspicious to the officer on duty , for instance a journalist "engaged in activities against the current interests of the country". This individual may be detained without any explanation for up to thirty days in custody. The criminal procedure is stripped of legal process guaranties to such an extent that the individual may be sentenced without actually exercising his right to defend himself. Of course, we should bear in mind that there is also repression in Serbia beyond the legal system so that some reputable journalists, who could not be tried in a proper way, may lose their lives "under suspicious circumstances", like Slavko Curuvija. Taking all these points into account, ANEM legal service has recommended to all the journalists within the Association to take heed, and either remain passive (for those whose work has been banned) or follow the instructions of the Ministry of Information, since the circumstances are such, both in legal and factual terms, that objective reporting, or even reporting which would not be welcomed by the authorities, entails disproportionately high risk, certainly much higher than the possible benefit which might be gained by independent reporting. What has been lost so far since the launch of NATO intervention are independent media. Yet, apart from the tragic murder of Slavko Curuvija, the independent journalists have been preserved. We may reasonably claim that the independent journalists as an entity would be physically destroyed just like the independent media, if they carried on with their work under present circumstances, which would effectively deliver a death blow in long term, apart from human tragedy, to the Serbian journalism. Therefore, ANEM's view is that if we cannot preserve the independent media (for the time being), we should at least save the independent journalists for the time to come.


Instructions for the operation of news agencies and media outlets in the circumstances of imminent war danger

1. Media operators are to establish 24-hour monitoring and permanent contact with state agencies.

2. Media operators are required to supply the Information Ministry with the schedule of personnel responsible for monitoring.

3. Media operators are to supply the Information Ministry with the correct telephone and fax numbers of the duty editors in their news rooms.

4. Media operators are to establish a courier service between their news rooms and the ministry against the event of telephone lines being disconnected.

5. Reports on losses and casualties of the Yugoslav Army and the Serbian Police are strictly prohibited.

6. Every journalist in the field or in the news room must be at the service of the state's current interests and participate in the system of reporting and information.

7. Media operators are required to monitor reports by foreign media, particularly those radio stations which are easily received on Yugoslav territory.

8. Police and army actions must be described as defence activities or the struggle to preserve and defend the country.

9. Enemy losses should be described by terms neutralised, incapacitated, paralysed and liquidated.

10. No information which would spread defeatism and panic must slip through the hands of the editor-in-chief.

11. Commentaries must always refer to the violation of the UN Charter, the violation of human rights and the self-willed decision of one alliance which is not a consensus of all nations.

12. Media operators are required to organise the protection and preservation of confidential materials and reports which could be used later in analysis or as evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

13. The so-called Kosovo Liberation Army must be referred to as a gang, terrorists and criminals.

14. NATO forces must be referred to as the aggressor.

15. Media operators are required to emphasise that army and police personnel are fighters for the freedom of the country.

We are trying to present all texts in all languages. However, due to a limited resources we are not always able to achieve this goal. If you would like to translate material for us, please contact us.