#PERIOD AFTER Yugoslav NGOs - 26/04/1999 Belgrade

Izjava o Mogucem Iskljucenju sa Interneta

Yugoslav NGOs 20 Serb NGOs Appeal Against Possible Internet Ban

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Mi, predstavnici jugoslovenskog civilnog drustva okupljeni u grupu koja protestvuje protiv NATO bombardovanja i etnickog ciscenja u Jugoslaviji sada moramo da se nosimo sa jos jednim problemom koji bi mogao da nas iskljuci iz sveta i uskrati nam pravo na slobodno izjasnjavanje i neslaganje.
Jedna pretnja dolazi od sluzbi jugoslovenskih vlasti i od njih kontrolisanih INTERNET provajdera. Za njih je vazno da ucutkaju sve nezavisne glasove zbog cega su zatvorili radio B92 i stavili pod kontrolu ostale nezavisne medije. S druge strane, za NATO se cini vaznim da se izoluju svi oni koji pripadaju opoziciji i civilnom sektoru da bi se potvrdio stvoreni imidz jugoslovenskog drustva kao onog koje je totalno kontrolisano od Milosevica i koje cine samo ekstremni nacionalisti, pa stoga zasluzuju kaznjavanje bombama.
Za nas koji smo dugogodisnji borci za manjinska prava, sindikalna i zenska prava (i ljudska prava uopste), za mir i demokratiju od zivotne je vaznosti da odrzimo svoju INTERNET vezu sa svetom da bi smo dobijali informacije i da bismo mogli da komuniciramo sa nama slicnima. Mi smo do sada koristili INTERNET sa postovanjem prema usvojenoj netiketi (netiquette). Apelujemo na sve jugoslovenske korisnike INTERNETA da ne koriste agresivni i uvredljiv recnik i tako ne provociraju strane provajdere i kontrolore INTERNETA da nas skinu sa mreze i tako nas onemoguce u sirenju naseg vidjenja ovoga sto se dogadja.


Jugoslovenske NVO:

- Association of Citizens for Democracy, Social Justice and Support for Trade Unions
- Belgrade Circle
- Center for Democracy and Free Elections
- Center for Transition to Democracy
- Civic Initiatives
- EKO Center
- Belgrade Women Studies Center
- European Movement in Serbia
- Forum for Ethnic Relations and Foundation for Peace and Crisis Management
- Group 484
- Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia
- The Student Union of Yugoslavia
- Union for Truth About Anti-Fascist Resistance
- WIN- Weekly Video News
- Women in Black
- YU Lawyers' Committee for Human Rights
- District 0230 Kikinda
- Urban in Novi Pazar, and
- Center for Policy Studies
- Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM)
- NEZAVISNOST Trade Union Confederation
- The Centre for the Promotion of Information and Democracy - CeRID

Trudicemo se da sve tekstove predstavimo na svim jezicima. Obzirom da su nam izvori, budzet i broj ljudi veoma ograniceni znamo da necemo biti u mogucnosti da ovaj cilj u potpunosti postignemo. Ukoliko zelite da nam pomognete oko prevoda molimo vas da nas kontaktirate na.


Belgrade, April 26, 1999


We, the representatives of the Yugoslav civil society, coming together to protest NATO bombing and ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia now have to deal with other problem that could uncouple us from the world and practically forbid our free expression and dissent.
One threat is coming from Yugoslav government agencies and the controlled domestic INTERNET providers. For them it is important to shut up all independent voices for which reason they banned the radio B92 and put under control other independent media.
For NATO it appears important to cut off all dissenting people and groups from Yugoslavia in order to maintain the image of Yugoslav society as if it is totally controlled by Milosevic regime and made only of extreme nationalists who deserve punishment by bombs.
For us who are long time activists of human rights, minority rights, union rights, free press rights, women rights, peace and democracy activists, it is vital to maintain Internet connection to the world in order to get information and communicate with people about our situation.
We are using INTERNET with respect to the netiquette and urge all Yugoslav users to avoid hostile and insulting vocabulary. We also pledge to all our international contact people to exercise their influence on INTERNET public opinion to avoid aggressive language and hatespeech in correspondences to people in Yugoslavia.


Yugoslav NGOs:

- Association of Citizens for Democracy, Social Justice and Support for Trade Unions
- Belgrade Circle
- Center for Democracy and Free Elections
- Center for Transition to Democracy
- Civic Initiatives
- EKO Center
- Belgrade Women Studies Center
- European Movement in Serbia
- Forum for Ethnic Relations and Foundation for Peace and Crisis Management
- Group 484
- Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia
- The Student Union of Yugoslavia
- Union for Truth About Anti-Fascist Resistance
- VIN Weekly Video News
- Women in Black
- YU Lawyers' Committee for Human Rights
- District 0230 Kikinda
- Urban in Novi Pazar, and
- Center for Policy Studies
- NEZAVISNOST Trade Union Confederation

We are trying to present all texts in all languages. However, due to a limited resources we are not always able to achieve this goal. If you would like to translate material for us, please contact us.