#PERIOD AFTER FRY - 10/05/1999 Belgrade

Vladama SRJ, Srbije i Crne Gore Parlamentima SRJ, Srbije i Crne Gore

To the Parliaments of the FRY, Serbia and Montenegro


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Vec sedam nedelja traje NATO agresija i neprekidni napadi na SR Jugoslaviju. Stotine hiljada Albanaca sa Kosova i pripadnika drugih etnickih grupa prinudeno je da napusti svoje domove. Pod tonama bombi i projektila najsavrsenije tehnologije zemlja se pretvara u zgarista, a gubici u ljudskim životima iz dana u dan sve vise rastu. Gotovo je unistena infrastruktura i inace osiromasenog jugoslovenskog drustva, a razaranje glavnih saobracajnica i mostova onemogucuje unutrasnju komunikaciju izmedu pojedinih delova zemlje i sve nas vise izoluje od sveta.
Ovo su cinjenice pred kojima se ne smeju zatvarati oci i narod zavaravati nerealnim optimistickim obecanjima. Mi, nevladine organizacije, ostro smo osudili agresiju NATO na nasu zemlju. Ali državni organi moraju preuzeti politicku odgovornost, realno proceniti velicinu gubitaka i stete koja je do sada ucinjena i na osnovu toga donositi racionalne odluke o daljim koracima. Zato nevladine organizacije zahtevaju od vlada i parlamenata SRJ, Srbije i Crne Gore da od uopstenih formulacija o diplomatskom i mirnom resavanju kosovskog problema i rata koji se vodi na tlu SR Jugoslavije konkretno i odgovorno pristupe stvaranju planova za resavanje nastale krize, koji ce se zasnivati na neophodnim kompromisima radi približavanja stavova svih ucesnika u konfliktu. Mi smo u ratu sa visestruko nadmocnim protivnikom i nismo u situaciji da postavljamo uslove bez ustupaka i kompromisa. Ne sme se dozvoliti da u ime navodnog nacionalnog i državnog interesa celokupno stanovnistvo i drustvo stradaju. Jugoslovenske vlasti treba da uzmu ozbiljno u razmatranje najnovije inicijative sefova diplomatije zemalja G7 i Rusije. Ekstremni stavovi i radikalizacija sukoba dovesce nas samo do jos vecih stradanja. Poslednji je cas da se sa stanovista politicke realnosti i mudrosti pronadu resenja koja ce omoguciti evropsku buducnost jugoslovenskog drustva i njegovih naroda. To je jedini nacionalni i državni interes SR Jugoslavije, Srbije i Crne Gore.

U Beogradu, 10. maja, 1999.

UGS Nezavisnost
Beogradski krug
Beogradski ženski lobi
Centar za proucavanje alternativa
Centar za ženske studije
Centar za tranziciju ka demokratiji
Deciji humanitarni fond
Drustvo za istinu o NOB-u od 1941-1945
Drustvo za saradnju sa susednim narodima
EKO Centar
Evropski pokret u Srbiji
Fondacija za mir i resavanje kriza
Forum za etnicke odnose
Gradanske inicijative
Gradanski forum-Novi Pazar
Grupa 484
Helsinski odbor za ljudska prava u Srbiji
Jugoslovenski komitet pravnika za ljudska prava
Odbor za ljudska prava-Leskovac
Sigurne ženske kuce
Udruženje gradana za demokratiju, socijalnu pravdu i podrsku sindikatima
VIN (Video nedeljnik)
Žene u crnom
Centar za razvoj informisanja i demokratije - CeRID

Trudicemo se da sve tekstove predstavimo na svim jezicima. Obzirom da su nam izvori, budzet i broj ljudi veoma ograniceni znamo da necemo biti u mogucnosti da ovaj cilj u potpunosti postignemo. Ukoliko zelite da nam pomognete oko prevoda molimo vas da nas kontaktirate na.

The NATO aggression and continuous attacks against the FR Yugoslavia have been going on for seven weeks. Hundreds of thousands of Kosovo Albanians and people from the other etnic groups have been forced to leave their homes. Under the tonnes of high-tech bombs and missiles the land is being converted to cinders, and the losses of human life grow daily. The infrastructure of the already impoverished Yugoslav society has been nearly completely destroyed, while destruction of the principal bridges and roads makes impossible communication between different parts of the country and is progressively cutting us off from the world.

These are facts to which one must not close one's eyes and deceive people with unrealistic optimistic promises. Non-governmental organisations, have sharply condemned the NATO aggression against our country. But the organs of state must assume political responsibility, realistically estimate the magnitude of losses and damages so far, and on that basis take rational decisions on further steps.

That is why non-governmental organisations are asking the governments of the FRY, Serbia and Montenegro and their parliaments to move from generalised declarations about a diplomatic and peaceful solution to the Kosovo problem and the war being waged in the territory of FR Yugoslavia to concrete and responsible planning for solution of the present crisis, based on necessary compromises in order to bring closer the positions of all sides in the conflict. We are at war with an enemy who is many times stronger, and are not in a situation to set down conditions without concessions and compromises. It must not be allowed that a whole population and society should perish in the name of an alleged national and state interest.
The Yugoslav authorities should take into serious consideration the latest initiatives of the foreign ministers of the G7 countries and Russia. Extreme positions and radicalisation of the conflict will only lead to more suffering. It is high time that, from the vantage of political realism and wisdom, solutions be found which would make possible a European future for Yugoslav society and its peoples. That is the Serbia's only national and state interest, of FR Yugoslavia, Serbia and Montenegro.

In Belgrade, May. 10, 1999.

Trade Union Confederation - Nezavisnost
Alternative Academic Educational Network
Association of Citizens for Democracy, Social Justice and Support for Trade Unions
Belgrade Circle
Belgrade Women Lobby
Belgrade Women Studies Center
Center for Policy Studies
Center for Transition to Democracy
Civic Initiatives
Civil Forum - Novi Pazar
Committee for Human Rights - Leskovac
Humanitarian Fund For Children
Society For Truth On Antifascist War 1941-1945
Society for Cooperation With Neighbouring Countries
ECO Center
European Movement in Serbia
Foundation for Peace and Crisis Management
Forum for Ethnic Relations
Group 484
Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia
Safe Houses for Women
WIN - Weekly Video News
Women in Black
The Centre for the Promotion of Information and Democracy - CeRID

We are trying to present all texts in all languages. However, due to a limited resources we are not always able to achieve this goal. If you would like to translate material for us, please contact us.