#PERIOD AFTER The Coordinating Council of the Albanian NGO-s for Kosova - 23/04/1999 Tiranë

Këshilli Koordinues i ojq-ve per Kosovë

The Coordinating Council of the Albanian NGO-s for Kosova


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THE COORDINATING COUNCIL OF THE ALBANIAN NGO-s FOR KOSOVA Address: Dajti Hotel,Tirana, no.9, Tel&Fax: + 355 42 51034 (411), Fax: + 355 42 51036

Open letter

Your Excellency, Kofi Annan
Your Excellency, Bill Clinton
Your Excellency, Toni Blair
Your Excellency, Gerhard Schröder
Your Excellency, Jacques Chirac
Your Excellency, Massimo DŽAlema
Your Excellency, Boris Yeltsin
Your Excellency, Xian Xeming

Tiranë 23.04.1999

In the name of the right to life and the highest ideals of humanity, We demand that you stop the genocide and the destruction of humanity in Kosova.

You must not allow the right of all peoples of the world to live in dignity, freedom and equality to be paid for only with the blood of the Albanians of Kosova.

If you do not act immediately and forcefully, you will bury any hope that the world will find such salvation.

Moreover any dictator, large or small, will be able in the future to deny your descendants, and all children of the world, the rights they are given at birth.

You can do it!
You must do it, and today! One million Albanians are stranded in the mountains of Kosova, and you are their only hope! The Serbs offer only bullets, hunger, and the risk of epidemics.

Do this not only in the name of the Kosovars, and not only for Kosova, but for all civilized people of the world.

Coordinator for information
Mark Culaj

We are trying to present all texts in all languages. However, due to a limited resources we are not always able to achieve this goal. If you would like to translate material for us, please contact us.