#PERIOD AFTER ??? - 02/04/1999 Belgrade

Stop the Destruction of Europe!

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The Steering Committee of the non-governmental experts' organizations for protection of the monuments of culture and nature in Kosovo and Metohija expresses its deepest pungency and protest because of the NATO bombing of our country. During the bombing, not only military targets were hit, but also the civil ones which provokes the humanitarian catastrophe of the entire population of ten million people. The bombs and missiles daily damage the medieval monuments of priceless historical and artistic value and destroy the enormous natural resorts of the Balkans and Europe, thus provoking an ecological catastrophe of a large scale.

Bombs are threatening to definitely destroy the old towns and fortresses, religious edifices of all confessions, museums and graveyards, as well as the unique and singular species of plants and animals. All of this is a part of the cultural and natural inheritance of Europe and world and therefore it is the duty of all civilized circles to protect them instead of continuing the destruction by the crazed and senseless bombing.

The entire territory of Yugoslavia is densely covered with the monuments of culture and nature, and there is a serious possibility that the large number of them would be completely destroyed. According to our information, some of them were already damaged:

Gracanica monastery (XIV century),
Devic monastery (XIV century),
medieval monastery of Zociste,
Holy Virgin church by Kursumlija (XII century),
medieval monastery of Rakovica, fortress of Petrovaradin (XVIII century),
church near Vranje,
Museum in Leskovac,
Museum "21st October" in Kragujevac,
Museum of Vojvodina in Novi Sad,
Museum of Aviation near Belgrade Airport, Vrdnik, Zemun,
Memorial of the soldiers from the World War I near Loznica.
The memorial bridge in Novi Sad was destroyed. The missiles fell in vicinity of numerous monuments, such as Decani, The Patriarchy of Pec, Palace of Duke Milos (Historical Museum of Serbia) in Belgrade, etc. The centers of biodiversity of the international importance were bombed: Sara, Prokletije, Kopaonik, Tara ...
Rise your voice against the strike on Yugoslavia because it is the attack on the entire European civilization.

Belgrade, 2 April 1999.

The Steering Committee of the non-governmental experts' organizations for protection of the monuments of culture and nature in Kosovo and Metohija

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