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Slobodan Djokic - Sep99 Belgrade
Arbeiter im Streik bei der Zeitung Magyar Szo

Štrajk zaposlenih u listu Magyar Szo

Employees on strike in the Magyar Szo newspaper

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Cilj štrajkaca u jedinom listu na madjarskom jeziku ciji je osnivac Skupština Vojvodine je osamostaljivanje redakcije.

Zaposleni u novosadskom listu Magyar Szo otpoceli su štrajk 23. avgusta ove godine. Magyar Szo jedini je list na madjarskom, ciji je osnivac i finansijer Skupština Vojvodine. Osnivac lista finansira tek 15-20 odsto troškova ove novine, a isplate kasne tri meseca. Osnivac, prema recima Ištvana Valihore, pravda zakašnjenje u isplati svojih obaveza kašnjenjem ''iz Beograda''.

Prestankom izlaženja ovog lista ugroženo je Ustavom zagarantovano pravo madjarske nacionalne zajednice na informisanje na svom jeziku. Ciljevi štrajkaca su isplata licnih dohodaka zaposlenima i osamostaljivanje redakcije, koje bi trebalo da bude ostvareno mesec dana po okoncanju štrajka. Štrajkaci isticu da ce obustava rada trajati do ispunjenja njihovih zahteva.

Zoltan Nemet i Ištvan Valihora smatraju da osnivac lista, Skupština Vojvodine ne brine oi njihovom listu, te da je redakcija voljna da se odrekne usluga osnivaca, ali da upravo Skupština Vojvodine sprecava da ovaj list postane samostalno preduzece. Urednici lista ne misle da su ispolitizovali slucaj, vec da je ovakav stav vlasti prema listu jedne nacionalne zajednice stvorio politicki problem za koji odgovornost snovi sama vlast.

Govoreci o situaciji u nezavisnim novosadskim medijima Anadol Gegic, predsednik Komisije za informisanje Gradskog odbora Jugoslovenskog demokratskog centra u Novom Sadu rekao je da i situacija u listu Magyar Szo ukazuje da se pokušavaju spreciti svi oni koji nezavisno novinarstvo prihvataju u punom smislu te reci. Štrajkaci su odlucni da istraju u ostvarenju svojih zahteva isplatom dugovanja i samostalnošcu lista. Na Skupštini Vojvodine je da odluci o daljoj sudbini lista na jeziku madjarske nacionalne manjine i mogucem politizovanju celog problema.

Trudicemo se da sve tekstove predstavimo na svim jezicima. Obzirom da su nam izvori, budzet i broj ljudi veoma ograniceni znamo da necemo biti u mogucnosti da ovaj cilj u potpunosti postignemo. Ukoliko zelite da nam pomognete oko prevoda molimo vas da nas kontaktirate na.

The main aim of the strikers employed at the only newspaper in Hungarian founded by the Parliament of Vojvodina, is obtaining the editorial independence.

Employees of Novi Sad based newspaper Magyar Szo went on strike on August 23rd, 1999. Magyar Szo is the only newspaper in Hungarian founded and financially supported by the Parliament of Vojvodina. Founder is covering only 15-20% of the expenses of this newspaper, and payments are three months late. Founder, according to Istvan Valihora, is justifying delay in payments of the obligation by delays "from Belgrade".

Constitutionally granted right to the members of the Hungarian minority to be informed on their native tongue have been endangered since the newspaper is not coming out.

Strikers are requiring the payment of their salaries and editorial independence, to be accomplished in one month time after the end of the strike.

Strikers said that they will not start working until their requests are fulfilled.

Zoltan Nemet and Istvan Valihora's opinion is that the founder of the newspaper, the Parliament of Vojvodina is not taking care after theirs newspaper, and that the staff is ready to break off the relation with the founder, but that Parliament of Vojvodina is one preventing newspaper to become independent company.

Editors opinion is that they are not to be blamed for the politicising of the whole thing, and that such an attitude of the authorities towards the newspaper of the ethnic minority is creating political problem, for which only the authorities are responsible.

Talking about the situation in the independent media in Novi Sad, Anadol Gegi, the chairman of the information committee of the Yugoslav Democratic Centre in Novi Sad, said that the situation in the Magyar Szo is showing that there is an intention to prevent the actions of those who accept the idea of the freedom of the press in the true sense of the word.

The strikers are resolute to achieve their goals, to provide the payment of their salaries and editorial independence of the newspaper. Parliament of Vojvodina is to decide on the destiny of the newspaper of the Hungarian minority and possible politicising of the situation.

We are trying to present all texts in all languages. However, due to a limited resources we are not always able to achieve this goal. If you would like to translate material for us, please contact us.


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