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talas primene Zakona o informisanju, zahtevi za naplatom enormnih
naknada za korišcenje frekvencija, zaplene tiraža, ometanje emitovanja,
samo su neki od sve raznovrsnijih metoda sprecavanja slobode informisanja.
vreme napada NATO pakta na SRJ veliki broj nezavisnih eletronskih
medija dobio je od Saveznog Ministarstva Telekomunikacija rešenja
o zabrani rada u interesu bezbednosti zemlje. Istovremeno u Beogradu
je nezakonito preuzet Radio B92, a glavni i odgovorni urednik TV
Soko iz Soko Banje jedne od clanica ANEM-a osudjen je na godinu
dana zatvora zbog isticanja plakata Free Press. U Beogradu je pod
još uvek nerazjašnjenim okolnostima ubijen poznati novinar Slavko
broj medija izbegavo je u to vreme politicki kontroverzne teme kako
bi izbegao opasnost zabrana i zatvaranja.
bombardovanja mediji su sve više poceli da se bave za režim nepodobnim
temama, sto je ubrzo dovelo do primene raznovrsnoh metoda sprecavanja
slobode informisanja i protoka informacija.
ministrastvo telekomunikacija otpocelo je sa slanjem opomena za
placanje enormnih naknada za korišcenje frekvencija, na onsovu odluke
Savezne vlade, cija je ustavnost osporena pred Ustavnim sudom federacije.
Tako je RTV Pancevo dobila nalog za placanje 500.000,00 dinara na
ime naknade. Nezavisni elektronski mediji nisu u stanju da izmire
ove obaveze te svima po ovom osnovu preti mogucnost zabrane rada.
ministarstvo informacija uputilo je apel medijima u kojima ih poziva
da pokažu jedinstvo kakvo je pokazivano u vreme rata i pomognu napore
valde u obnovi zemlje.
po upucivanju apela, novinari dnevnih listova privodjeni su na informativne
razgovore u MUP povodom pisanja o skoku vrednosti nemacke marke
na crnom tržištu. To je od ranije poznata teza beogradskog režima
da su za ekonomske probleme krivi novinari koji o njima pišu.
nezavisni mediji našli su se na udaru novog talasa primene Zakona
o javnom informisanju za koji je više organizacija, ukljucujuci
i Asocijaciju nezavisnih elektronskih medija podnelo pre godninu
dana Ustavnom sudu Republike zahtev za ocenu ustavnosti, a da do
danas nema odgovora ove sudske institucije.
je Cacanski glas izdavac lokalnog cacanskog lista i osnivac radija
i televizije kažnjen u dva navrata enormnim novcanim kaznama za
jedan tekst objavljen u listu u kome se prenosi saopštenje lokalnog
odbora SPO o radu finansijske policije.
postupak pokrenut je i protiv lokalnog lista u Kikindi, Kiikindske
novine, ali je bar u prvom stepenu postupak obustavljen.
tiraž banjaluckog nedeljnika Reporter namenjen za tržište u Srbiji
zaplenjen je i zadržan bez osnova u Mup-u Sremska Mitrovica.
emisija Gost beogradske televizije Studio B ometa se sa lokacija
u zemlji cime se vidljivost ove televizije smanjuje za 30%. Savezno
ministarstvo telekomunikacija tvrdi da do ometanja dolazi iz susednih
radio Index-u nestaje struja na predajniku, po objašnjenju nadležnih
zbog havarijskih iskljucenja upravo u vereme emitovanja najavljenih
intervjua sa celnicima SZP-a Zoranom Djindjicem i Dragoslavom Avramovicem.
je da režim u Beogradu raznovrsnim arsenalom mera nastoji da spreci
da do javnosti stignu bilo koje informacije osim onih koje serviraju
državni mediji, za ocekivati je da se ovaj arsenal popuni u buducnosti
još interesantnijim primerima nezakonitog postupanja i iznenadnih
tehnickih smetnji.
Trudicemo se da sve
tekstove predstavimo na svim jezicima. Obzirom da su nam izvori, budzet
i broj ljudi veoma ograniceni znamo da necemo biti u mogucnosti da
ovaj cilj u potpunosti postignemo. Ukoliko zelite da nam pomognete
oko prevoda molimo vas da nas kontaktirate
New wave of implementation of the Information Law Act, claims for
the enormous fees for the use of frequencies, seizures and interference
in the broadcasting are some of the various forms of obstruction
of the freedom of information.
the NATO bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia numerous
independent broadcasting media where banned by the decisions of
the Federal Ministry of Telecommunications in the interest of state's
security policy. Meanwhile, Radio B92 was illegally taken over,
and the editor in chief of the TV Soko from Soko Banja, one of the
ANEM members, was sentenced to one-year imprisonment for hanging
a Free Press poster. In Belgrade, well-known journalist Slavko Curuvija
was murdered under still unresolved circumstances.
of media was avoiding the possible politically controversial topics
in order to elude the danger of banning or closure.
the cessation of bombing, media started to cover topics unsuitable
for the regime, which soon led to the implementation of the various
forms of obstruction of the freedom of information and the exchange
of the information.
operation of the decision of the Federal Government, procedure for
the annulment of which is already initiated at the Federal Constitutional
Court; the Federal Ministry of Telecommunications started ordering
payments of the enormous fees for the use of frequencies. RTV Pancevo
was ordered to pay the fee in amount of 500.000,- dinars. For not
being able to fulfil these obligations Independent broadcasting
media are threatened by banning and closure.
Ministry of Information appealed media to show unity, same as the
one that was shown during the war, and to help government's efforts
in the reconstruction of the country.
after the appeal, daily newspaper journalists were brought to police
stations for interrogation regarding the articles on the rise exchange
rate of the German mark on the black market. That is the old thesis
of the regime in Belgrade that journalists that write about the
economic difficulties should be blamed for those difficulties.
independent media are being the targets of the new wave of implementation
of the Information Law Act. Procedure for the annulment of Information
Law Act was initiated by number of organisations, including the
Association of the Independent Broadcasting Media (ANEM) at the
Republic Constitutional Court one year ago, but this court is still
not passing on the decision.
of Cacak, the publisher of the local newspaper in the city of Cacak,
and founder of the radio and TV station was fined twice with enormous
fines for the article containing the public announcement of the
Serbian Renewal Movement on the work of the financial police.
proceding has been also initiated against the local newspaper in
the city of Kikinda "Kikindske novine", but at least in first instance
the proceeding was suspended.
copies of the Banja Luka weekly "Reporter" for the Serbian market
were unfoundedly seized at the police station in Sremska Mitrovica.
and news program »Guest« of the Belgrade Studio B television is
being interfered from the location inside the country, with visibility
reduced for 30%. Federal ministry of Telecommunications claims that
the interfering is from the neighbouring countries.
radio Index is suffering power failures, as explained by the authorised
officials due to the damages, in time supposed for broadcasting
of the interviews with the leaders of the Alliance for Changes Zoran
Djindjic and Dragoslav Avramovic.
is obvious that the regime in Belgrade is trying, by implementation
of the various measures, to prevent the publication of any information
unless those presented by the state controlled media, and it is
to be expected that these measures will become more interesting,
and that there will be more examples of the illegal actions and
sudden technical failures.
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all texts in all languages. However, due to a limited resources we
are not always able to achieve this goal. If you would like to translate
material for us, please contact